Boot Manufacture
Shoe manufacture at Ivy Farm (previously Maudlin’s Farm)
Summary of known evidence by Clive Rodgers
The late Ken Reading, noted that in 1850 a considerable shoe manufacturing business employing many members of the Anstee family and others besides, existed in this area. Shoemakers are also known as “cordwainers”, and they appear on successive Swanbourne censuses. The farmhouse has been separately developed in about three stages over the centuries and to all appearances was once in separate occupation.
The location of the farm next to Boot End which follows from Duck end and the neighbouring 19th Century pub (now long closed) called The Boot could be linked to the shoe business here.
The orchard adjacent to Ivy Farm used to contain magnificent walnut trees until felled in the 1950`s.
Ivy Farm (Smithfield End) is thought to be a site of shoe manufacture during the 18th/19th centuries. Many of the Anstee family are thought to have been cobblers here
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