
Historic Photographs of Swanbourne People

Historic Photographs of Swanbourne People Shown below are photographs of local people and families (who can be identified as Swanbourne people), dating back to Victorian times with their family names.  Precise dates are still in the process of being identified, but they all range from around 1895 to 1950.  Click on the photograph to enlarge.         […]

Agricultural Workers Strike

The Swanbourne Agricultural Workers’ Strike of 1873 By Ken Harris For 3 weeks in March 1873, around half of the agricultural workers living in Swanbourne went on strike in a bid to raise their weekly wage from 12 shillings per week to 15 shillings. The story of the strike, its causes and its results has […]

Old Swanbourne – Photographs digitally enhanced

Old Swanbourne – Photographs digitally enhanced By Clive Rodgers These photographs were shown as a PowerPoint Presentation at the Swanbourne History Group evening in April, 2016.  They are saved here as a PDF copy. old-images-of-swanbourne

Early 20th Century Photographs

 Digitally enhanced early 20th Century Photographs help to provide images better than the originals. As well as photographs of Moco farm in the 1920s, a collection of photographs from 1913 are shown.                                     Views of Swanbourne in 1913, captured on […]

World War 2 Evacuees

An Evacuees Story As told to Ken Harris and Frankie Fisher My brother and I were evacuated to Swanbourne from Edmonton on the 27th September 1940. I was aged four years and four months; my brother was nine years old. When we arrived we were ushered into a hall where I remember food was served, […]

Brooks Family

The Brooks family  Based on information and photographs provided by Jennifer Littlewood, a descendant of the Brooks family from Swanbourne. The Brooks family came to Swanbourne in 1843 to run the White Hart Public House which stood just past the junction of Tattam’s Lane at Nearton End. The White Hart  is still here in the village, but is […]


Celebrations (village events) By Ken Harris Like most communities, Swanbourne has held celebrations and events marking special occasions over the years. The earliest village celebration of which we have yet found a record was for Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee, which was held in Swanbourne on Thursday 9th June 1887, about which there was a very […]

Swanbourne’s connections to early American History

Swanbourne’s connections to early American History Connections may be made from 1763 to 1824 (summarised below), with dates of major historical events included:- 1763 February 10th – The Treaty of Paris ends the 7 Year War, with Britain victorious.  Canada and Florida are ceded by France and Spain to Britain. 1767 General Patrick George Tonyn (1725–1804), the […]

19th Century Photographs and Paintings of Swanbourne

Featured image – Swanbourne ladies in the 1880s. Below left:- Digitally enhanced photograph of the old Vicarage in 1858, just before it was demolished.  Previously, there only seemed to be a painting of the old Vicarage, and this photograph never seems to have been found by Ken Reading.  The newly discovered photograph has been digitally enhanced […]

Crimean (Russian) War

Swanbourne and the Crimean War By Ken Harris The Crimean War was fought between Russia and Turkey between 1853 and 1856, with Britain and France joining with Turkey in 1854.  Its most famous battle was the Battle of Balaclava, largely on account of the celebrated, although disastrous, ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’. Whilst we have no reason […]